Saturday, November 12, 2011

Open and closed Brethren

Open and Closed Brethren

The Closed Brethren is more “exclusive” than the open Brethren, and is therefore harder to get into. The Closed Brethren are generally smaller groups of Brethren and are usually closed off from their society in their extreme isolationist worlds. Some closed Brethren’s are the “Taylor-Hayes Brethren” and the “Raven” Brethren, both named after their founding members. These groups are very exclusive and isolated, however they still allow visitors to attend Gospel meetings and other gatherings.
The Closed Brethren are often completely isolated with the world around them. They do this to try and stay away from the evils of the modern world. Therefore they can only eat and drink in the company of other closed Brethren members, and only go on outings if accompanied with many Brethren members for “protection” from the evils of the world. All the members of the Brethren become very reliant on each other.
The open Brethren are still allowed to mingle with other people in the world but do so with caution as to keep away from the evil. Children in the open Brethren are a lot more social and socially aware than the members of the closed Brethren.
Open Brethren have less strict rules than the closed Brethren. For example a member of an open Brethren could gamble and stay in the open Brethren (if repented) but a member in the closed Brethren could be asked to leave if caught only lying.
Closed Brethren often take very precise translations of the bible to make their daily rules. As an example of this the women in the closed Brethren are second to the man, and have to do whatever they say. Whereas the rules in the open Brethren are a lot more flexible as they do not take the translations of the bible as literally as the closed Brethren. For example the women are still second to man, but man and women have to serve each other alike.
A clearer difference between Open and Exclusive assemblies is in the nature of relationships between meetings. Open Brethren meetings are generally local assemblies that are autonomous but often informally linked with each other. Exclusive Brethren are generally "connexional" and so feel under obligation to recognise and adhere to the disciplinary actions of other associated assemblies.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Obsolete science

Recapitulation theoryRecapitulation is a hypothesis that in developing from embryo to adult, animals go through stages resembling or representing successive stages in the evolution of their remote ancestorsWhy did people believe this theory?The theory originated in 1790, among German natural philosophers. Since the theory was made in a time where there was not much knowledge about growth of babies, and this was one of the only theories about it at the time. This lead everyone to believe in it as they had no knowledge and that there were no other theories to oppose it.Why do people no longer believe in these theories?People no longer believe in this theory, because of the advance in science which has lead to us having better knowledge of how babies develop inside the female. Equipment such as ultra sound, which allows us to see the baby before it has been born in its different stages of growth. Due to this knowledge it is clear that the babies do not go through stages that represent the different parts of their ancestry evolution.Is this theory now obsolete?Yes this theory in now obsolete, as technology has shown us this.
However it is possible that dispute over this theory lead to further research of this topic, and eventually led to our knowledge of growth of babies that we accept.

Caloric theory:Caloric theory:Why did people believe this theory?People believed this because there was no other scientific evidence-
at the time to contradict the theory because no one had discovered-
or proven another theory.
Why do people no longer believe this theory?People no longer believe this theory as another theory has been created with more evidence than the last theory and a more believable theory that people can test for themselves. Is this theory now obsolete?This theory is not obsolete in the fact that it describes the movement of heat in substances and that heat can travel. But the theory of fluid in heat is wrong and has been proven so. Also the description of how heat travels has not been described correctly as it has been proven wrong. So aspects of this theory have been proven wrong but some aspects have been proven correct so without these wrong theorys the correct one will take much longer to be found.

Phlogiston Theory:
Phlogiston theory: The theory states that all flammable materials contain the substance phlogiston a substance without colour, odour, taste or mass. Once burned the material will be in its true form calx when not in it's true form it is described as dephlogisticated.When air had become completely phlogisticated it would no longer serve to support combustion of any material, nor would a metal heated in it yield a calx; nor could phlogisticated air support life, for the role of air in respiration was to remove the phlogiston from the body.
Why did people believe this theory?
This theory was stated in 1667 and at that time people had little knowledge-
about combustion so they believed it without hesitation as they had nothing-
to compare it to.
Who do people no longer believe in this theory?
People no longer believe these theories as a better one with evidence that can be tested by anyone and is more believable when rationally thought about.
Is this theory now obsolete?
This theory is now obsolete as all aspects of this theory has been proven wrong and we can sort of tell that this guy Johann Joachim Becher was sort of unsure about the theory and has used aspects of his theory to make it harder to prove wrong for example the characteristics of phlogiston makes it impossible to test scientifically if it is each and every substance that is combustible. But over time a new theory has been created that proves this theory wrong as phlogiston was described in a way basically the opposite of the real role of oxygen and by having evidence to back up the theory as this theory has none.
Antoine Lavoisier in 1770's believe that there is a substance called caloric which is the make up of heat. The fluid flows from hotter to colder substances. For example a cup of tea lets out caloric fluid out into the cooler room, therefore raises room temperature and looses its heat.